Our careers programme thoroughly prepares students for university and the world of work. We help students develop the skills and knowledge needed for the fast-changing job market, and provide them with a exciting range of opportunities to engage with employers, further education providers and higher education institutions throughout their time at the Academy.
Our Careers Lead
Ms L Beck
If you are an employer or self-employed person, interested in working with the school on their Careers Programme, please see 'Ways to get involved'
What we do
Our Careers Education Programme features key annual events embedded in the school timetable. All activities are designed to develop student’s self-awareness and develop employability skills whilst enhancing their knowledge of different career sectors and roles. We hold a variety of career events which include employer engagement, visits, one to one career sessions, group work and assemblies. These are outlined in our Careers Education Programme annually.
All students have the opportunity for one-to-one meetings where they can discuss GCSE subject choices, post-16 options, work experience and career paths. We openly encourage students to engage with us on a regular basis to obtain the information and support they need.
An appointment can be requested by a student at any time, or by staff members or parents via
What to expect
- All students in years 7-11 are provided with independent careers guidance. Such guidance could include employer, self-employed, alumni, parent, training provider and motivational speaker visits; mentoring; website access and personal guidance and will contain external information on the full range of education and training options, including sixth form, colleges, universities, apprenticeships, and technical education (at least two encounters by the age of 16)
- All students in years 7-11 will have at least one employer encounter per year
- All students in Year 11 will have at least one 1:1 career guidance interview with a Level 6 Qualified Careers Adviser
- CV writing and interview skills
- College taster days
- Relatable role models challenging stereotypical thinking
- Focus on personal agency, identity capital, employability skills and high aspirations
Key learning objectives for KS3: “Understanding myself, identifying my skills”, “Exploring career pathways”, “Considering options for GCSEs and the future”
Key learning objectives for KS4: “Experiencing the workplace”, “CVs and Interviews”, “Preparing for Post-16: understanding pathways and requirements, setting goals”, “Study Skills”
The content will be delivered through:
- Year group assemblies (Careers Assemblies)
- PSHE lessons (following a specific SoW for careers based on the CDI’s Framework for Careers Education 2022 and linking with PSHE “Living in the Wider World” key theme.)
- One-to-One interviews in Year 9 and Year 11
- Employer engagement events (Work Experience, Mock Interviews, Business Networking)
- Training provider engagement events (KS4 Careers Fair, college taster days, university visits, provider talks)
- Any other relevant events booked throughout the year – details will be shared accordingly
Year 7
- Career’s workshops (dates tbc)
- Careers Assemblies (throughout the year) – inspiring assembly speakers from a variety of backgrounds, including employers, alumni, and further education representatives.
- Portsmouth University visit (15 targeted students) – dates tbc
- Whole school career’s fayre!
- Unifrog online lessons in IT rooms (new for this year)– details to follow
Year 8
- Career’s workshops (dates tbc)
- Careers Assemblies (throughout the year) – inspiring assembly speakers from a variety of backgrounds, including employers, alumni, and further education representatives.
- Portsmouth University visits (15 targeted students)
- Whole school career’s fayre!
- Employer engagement events.
- Unifrog online lessons in IT rooms (new for this year) – details to follow.
Year 9
- Careers Assemblies (throughout the year) – inspiring assembly speakers from a variety of backgrounds, including employers, alumni and further education representatives.
- Options Evening (for parents and students)
- College representatives for advice and guidance at year 9 parents’ evening.
- One-to-one Options guidance interviews with Ms Beck (Spring 1 or 2)
- Portsmouth University visit (10 targeted students)
- Employer interviews.
- Get Inspired event.
- Unifrog online lessons in IT rooms (new for this year) – details to follow.
Year 10
- Mock Interviews (dates tbc)
- Work Experience for one week (date tbc)
- One-to-One post-16 guidance interviews (on request, by emailing L Beck)
- College Taster Days – tbc
- College representatives for advice and guidance at year 10 parents’ evening.
- Careers Assemblies (throughout the year) – inspiring assembly speakers from a variety of backgrounds, including employers, alumni, and further education representatives.
- UPFORUNI visit at Portsmouth University (date tbc)
- Unifrog – new online careers platform for 2024-25, details tbc
- Whole school career’s fayre!
Year 11:
- One-to-One post-16 guidance interviews with a Level 6 qualified Careers Adviser (Throughout the year)
- College representatives for advice and guidance at year 11 parents’ evening.
- Careers Assemblies (throughout the year) – inspiring assembly speakers from a variety of backgrounds, including employers, alumni, and further education representatives.
- Unifrog – with a focus on destinations, CV writing, employability skills, LMI and preparing for post-16
- Empl
- College information and application workshops (for students, parents/carers)
Whole School events:
National Apprenticeship Week: Monday 10th – Friday 14th of February 2025.
National Career’s Week: March 3 - March 8 2025
(More details to follow on these)
Our core values of Truth, Compassion, and Respect, apply to all our students past, present, and future; We firmly believe that if you were once an Ark Charter Academy student, you will always be an Ark Charter Academy student.
We are keen to develop an Alumni that will enable us to showcase what our students from previous academic years have gone on to do.
We are in the process of building a database of the educational journeys and career paths of Ex Ark Charter Academy students. We would like to find out what our ex-students have left school to go on to do and to use this information to create inspirational posters for our current students.
If you are an Ex Ark Charter-Academy student, please complete the form:
Please give as much detail in your answers as you can. It would be great to have a recent photo of yourself at work/college/university etc. All data collected will be kept for school use only.
We would also love for you to stay in touch and maybe come and visit our students to talk about your journey after leaving Ark Charter Academy. Please use the opt-out button if you do not want to take part.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. We’d like to reach as many ex-students as possible. Please feel free to share this form on social media and pass it onto friends/family who attended this school. Thank you for your continued support.
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