Reporting your child’s absence
We understand that absence due to ill health can be unavoidable. If your child is going to be absent please contact us on:
Email -
Text - 07860054073
Please do not call and leave a voicemail. You must contact us by 8:15am and please specify the full name of your child and the nature of the illness.
Please contact us each day of your child’s absence.
How do we address attendance?
The following steps will be taken every morning:
- At 8:30am, we will take a register of every tutor/mentoring group in the academy.
- At 9:00am, we will call the parent/carer of students absent at registration to discuss the absence. It is our aim to speak with every family whose child is not in school by 10:00am.
- If we are unable to speak with someone, we will send a text, email or visit the home and follow up later that day.
If a child is absent in a week, we will meet with their tutor to understand why the absence occurred.
- A child absent for three or more days will have a home visit from our safeguarding team.
- Each week we will reward good attendance through our collective worship assembly, tutor rewards, daily privileges and write home regularly to celebrate outstanding attendance.
We are introducing a graduated approach to supporting students and their families with attendance. The graphic below details how this process will work:

Why is attendance important?
Every day of education and indeed every lesson matters. In the National Curriculum where there is built in progression, children who are persistently late or absent soon get behind with learning and then do not understand current lessons when they return.
The introduction to a lesson and to the school day is crucial to the child’s understanding of their own learning. Children who miss school frequently will undoubtedly have gaps in their learning which will impede their progress and future ability to engage in lessons. This in turn has a knock on effect for their ability to concentrate and for their behaviour.
Frequent absence has a profound and cumulative effect on achievement.
Attendance Documents
How we monitor attendance and punctuality, as well as our process for recording absences
Document Translation
To view the documents in a different language, download the document then upload it to the following website:
If you are experiencing any issues translating a document, please phone or email the school.