Our Personal Development curriculum ensures we develop students' character so they leave us as well-rounded citizens with a deep understanding of the role they play in the wider world. Our PSHE/RSE and SMSC programme ensures that students develop social and emotional skills and receive the fundamental learning they need to make good choices. Years 7-10 are taught through a dedicated lesson weekly and this is supported by our assembly programme and workshops. Year 11 is taught through a spiral curriculum and drop-down days. We enrich our students' learning so that they are ambitious and demonstrate leadership. Every year group has the opportunity to represent the school and to make an impact in our community. Our Christian values of justice, courage and respect are reflected in how we reward and recognise our students to go above and beyond in their learning both inside and outside the classroom. Alongside these run our whole school Charter Challenges where we support those in our community.
We have a personalised careers provision to support students with understanding the many courses and choices available to them. We look to create strong links with local employers and further education. Our students are given a range of opportunities to prepare them for their next steps, supported by our Careers Week.
Extra-Curricular Enrichment
Our Extra Curricular offer in school is broad and wide reaching to support access for all. At Ark Charter Academy, we believe it is important to develop and value the interests and talents of all of our pupils. We therefore offer an extensive range of Extra-Curricular Activities which are delivered by our teachers and specialists. These activities and clubs are offered to all children across Key Stage 3 and 4 during the school day and beyond. They are reviewed termly so that all children have the opportunity to broaden their experiences. The clubs we offer include: debate club, football and netball clubs, LGBTQ club, Science clubs, Music Clubs and Seasonal Production rehearsals.
Our intent is to enhance pupils’ learning experiences, form personal connections between pupils and their peers; create opportunities for pupils to try new experiences; and teach skills essential for life after school.
From these experiences we believe the children will receive the following benefits:
- Enhanced learning experiences relating to the curriculum area
- Respect for other cultures and beliefs
- Improved emotional Health and Wellbeing.
- Confidence to speak to others
What are the benefits for the school?
- More contented children.
- Improved communication and relationships between staff and children.
- Improved communication and relationships between staff and parents and the local community.
- Improvements in pupil behaviour and school ethos.
Improved connections with British Values and a better understanding of what each value means.