Students need to become confident readers to successfully communicate both within their school lives and outside of school. By reading often and broadly, students develop the ability to access different types of text, as well as improving their written and spoken literacy. We encourage students to read in many different areas of school, outlined below.
Tutor Reader Programme
During form time, we run the Class Reader Programme across Key Stage 3. Form classes read together, guided by their Form Tutor, for 30 minutes four times a week. The classes read a range of classic and modern books, fiction and non-fiction, and books from different cultures and traditions. This programme models good reading skills, promotes the enjoyment of reading and encourages lively discussion of books. Below is a selection of the books each year group is currently reading:
- Year 7 – Lost (Ellie Fountain), The Island at the end of everything (Kiran Millwood Hargrave), Alone (D J Brazier), Dodger (Prattchett), The Lie Tree (Francis Hardinge), Boy (Dahl)
- Year 8 – A Monster Calls (Patrick Ness), Wolf (Gillian Cross), Treasure Island (RL Stevenson), The Hate U Give (Angie Tomas), A Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy (Douglas Adams), The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (John Boyne), The Book Thief (Marcus Zusak).
- Year 9 – Flowers for Algernon (Daniel Keyes), Looking for JJ (Anne Cassidy), Lord of the Flies (William), Maladapted (Richard Kurti), A Separate Peace (John Knowles), The Children of Blood and Bone (Tomi Adeyomi))
Students identified as reading significantly below their chronological reading age in Y7-10 will have Lexia interventions during tutor time.
Reading Interventions
In Key Stage 3, we run the Fresh Start intervention program, targeting students that are two or more years below their chronological reading age. The programme consists of daily 25 minute sessions in line with the Ruth Miskin training, and all staff delivering the sessions receive additional training from Read Write Inc during the Autumn term. The program operates on a rolling basis, with new students joining as others graduate.
For those that have graduated from Fresh Start but remain significantly below chronological reading age we have invested in an increased number of Lexia licenses. All students reading below their chronological reading age in Y7-10 will have Lexia access on their Chromebook as a home learning tool in addition to other interventions.
Students identified as reading below their chronological reading age in Y7-10 will have Lexia interventions during tutor time.
School Library
The library is a place to read, to learn, to discover, to be yourself, to be quiet, to make friends, to unwind, to be challenged, to be peaceful, to start again, a place for everyone.
We offer books in all formats including dyslexia friendly, large print, audio and eBooks. Students are encouraged to request books if they cannot find what they want.
The library is an important place to make friends and relax with a game of chess, a puzzle or colouring. It is open before school, after school, break and lunch time.
We take part in many reader development events and host regular author visits. We use the Accelerated Reader programme whereby students can take quizzes on the books they have read, gain certificates and even book token prizes. We are an 'outstanding Readathon school', having taken part in this sponsored reading event for many years.
There is a multi-faith prayer room in the Library where students may pray or just be still in break or lunch time.
We have close links with the Portsmouth Library and Museums Service, including the School Library Service, and encourage our students to enjoy all these amazing resources.
Accelerated Reader Quizzes
Portsmouth SLS eBook Library
Listening Books
Audiobooks are available free to any student who requires them. Please email the Librarian with enquiries. Thank you.