Ordering and payments
Students may purchase food from the canteen at both break and lunchtime so long as they have funds available. The free school meals allowance for those eligible will cover the cost of either breaktime food or lunchtime food, but not both. If your child is in receipt of free school meals and you want them to be able to have school food at both break and lunch you will need to purchase one meal a day on iPayimpact.
The offer at breaktime is ‘grab and go’ style food. Students can select – a hot item or baguette, plus a potato option or crisps.
The offer at lunchtime is either a hot meal or baguette, plus vegetables or salad, plus a cold dessert.
Menus, and their associated lists of allergens are on the link below.
A vegetarian option is always available, and much of the meat we serve is halal. The kitchen is usually able to cater for special dietary/medical needs if given advance notice – please contact the school office so we can help you organise this if necessary.
If you pay for school meals, please ensure you have sufficient funds for the week on iPayimpact. The cost of a school meal is £2.75 each day.
Breakfast club
Bagels and fruit are provided free of charge to students wanting something to eat before school. A member of the catering team serves students from a trolley in the quad between 8.15 and 8.30am.
Applying for free school meals
Some parents may be entitled to receive free school meals for their children.
In order to determine if you are eligible and to apply please click here.
Document Translation
To view the documents in a different language, download the document then upload it to the following website: https://translate.google.com/?sl=auto&tl=en&op=docs
If you are experiencing any issues translating a document, please phone or email the school.