Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II

Charter Academy comes together to reflect on the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.
Picture of Queen Elizabeth II

This morning the whole of our school community came together in an extended Assembly to reflect on the reign of our longest serving British Monarch.

The long reign of Queen Elizabeth II was marked by her strong sense of duty and her determination to dedicate her life to the throne and to her people. It was with the sense of the enormity of the role that Her Majesty has fulfilled that all students and staff wished to commemorate, reflect and celebrate her life and her work.

The Assembly was all encompassing and quite emotional. We reflected on the life of the Queen from birth to her accession to the throne and up to yesterday. We watched as Her Majesty showed her wonderful sense of humour in the Paddington Bear video shown before her Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. We listened as our new Prime Minister Liz Truss led the tributes from the British Parliament and as Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland spoke, with warmth, of the love Her Majesty had for Scotland, where she passed away in her beloved Balmoral. We also thought about the comments and statements from other world leaders as well as that of King Charles III, her first born son. We also took the time to reflect on how the Queen’s strong faith has been demonstrated time and again and shown often so poignantly in her Christmas Day messages. In her message in December 2002, 50 years since the passing of her father, Her Majesty seemed to be in a reflective mood. In the speech she said that religion always has renewal after facing challenges and having gone through her own experiences of grief and loss, those around supported her so very well and were a great comfort to her. She talked about responding to those in need or despair and having relied on her faith both in good and bad situations. She said that each day was a new beginning and the only way to live her life was to try and do what is right, by taking the long view, giving of her best and always putting her trust in God. "Wherever your hope comes from", she said "whatever lies ahead, trust in God to get you through".

The dedication to her people, to her country, to her God, is what makes Her Majesty’s 70-year reign so momentous. Her work “to make the world of tomorrow a better place”, echoing the words she spoke in a radio broadcast in 1940 when only fourteen years old herself, was used as a challenge to our students at Charter. As the Assembly came to an end, they were left with the thought and the challenge that they are the “children of today”, and so do they have the commitment, the determination, in whatever small way or grand way, to make the world of tomorrow a better place.

The both solemn and wonderful act of remembering was felt across the whole of Charter Academy.

Sustained by faith, driven by duty, measured by the love and support by the people of this country and beyond, the Queen leaves a lasting legacy.

We at Charter recognise the awesome role that Her Majesty has played in the life of this country over the last 70 years. From Ark Charter, we send our condolences to the Royal Family and close associates of Her Majesty. We also pray for each other and our nation as we overcome the shock and grieve the passing of our Queen. Our thoughts and prayers are especially with King Charles III, who not only has the responsibility as new king to our country but grieves the passing of his beloved mother.

As the 96 Gun Salute was heard throughout Portsmouth this afternoon, students and staff paused during their lessons to reflect on the magnitude and legacy of the life of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.