"My Professional Self"

Our Year 9 students visited Portsmouth University for an inspiring day focused on building their "Professional Self."
Portsmouth University

Year 9 Visit to Portsmouth University – My Professional Self.

Students learned how to lay the foundations for their future CVs, identify their key skills and values, and craft a professional summary—before confidently presenting their work to employers they had never met!

We were joined by three incredible professionals from different industries, who shared invaluable insights:

A biomedical scientist from the NHS

A marketing executive from Peter Cooper

An HR executive from King’s Theatre

Each professional provided unique advice, and our students rose to the challenge with exceptional behaviour and confidence. We couldn’t be prouder of how they represented themselves!

On returning to school, we received this wonderful feedback:

"Thank you for bringing your students to My Professional Self. We hope they found the day valuable and feel more confident in their abilities! You have some wonderful students at Charter. They engaged from start to finish and had great perspectives.”

Portsmouth University