Head of Department

Mr D Medway
Year 7 - Computing
Each year 7 student will have one term of computing lessons during the year, either the autumn, spring or summer term depending on their class number. Computing is currently not available to Y8-11, but a computing club runs on Monday afternoons 15:45-16:30 each week for those with a keen interest in any aspect of computers, software, programming or computer-aided design.
Half Term 1 | Half Term 2 |
We begin Charter student's computing curriculum by ensuring they grasp the fundamental aspects of using computers both in and out of school safely and effectively to support or enhance their learning both today and for the future.
Students apply their fundamental skills through their first programming project during their second half term. Through this project they learn about computational thinking, logarithms and programming software to achieve specific goals. Once these skills are embedded, students then use them on a variety of applications.