Head of Department

Ms S. Cowern
Year 7
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Safety and Hygiene in the Kitchen Theory Practical (possible) Croque monsieur |
Eatwell Guide Healthy Eating Theory Practical Quesadilla |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Carbohydrates Theory Practical Fruit crumble |
Cooking methods and Food Investigation Theory Practical pastry |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Protein Eggstavaganza Theory Practical breakfast muffins |
Food Labelling and function of ingredients Theory Practical small cakes |
All Year 7 subjects Next Year 7 Subject - Computer Science
Year 8
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Safety and Hygiene Food Safety Practical Demonstration of food spoilage |
Eatwell Guide 8 tips for healthy eating. Practical |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
International Cultural choices Practical Risotto |
International Cuisine Continued from Spring 1 Practical Ragu sauce |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Food Science Yeast investigation Practical Yeast Investigation |
Time plan Working out a time plan for a recipe Practical Fruit muffins |
Year 9
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Safety and Hygiene Food Safety Practical Demonstration of food spoilage |
Eatwell Guide 8 tips for healthy eating. Practical |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
International Cultural choices Practical Risotto |
International Cuisine Continued from Spring 1 Practical Ragu sauce |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Food Science Yeast investigation Practical Yeast Investigation |
Time plan Working out a time plan for a recipe Practical Fruit muffins |
Year 10
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Food Nutrition and Health In this first unit the students learn about the basics of nutrition and nutrition throughout life. They will study the basic nutrients in food such as carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals. We do this by studying the importance of a balanced healthy diet and what the government guidelines are for a healthy diet. During this half term the students will take part in practical work to make a variety of dishes to build up their knowledge of basic skills such as weighing and measuring, the rubbing in method, the creaming method, basic knife skills, baking cakes, boiling and frying. They will be able to use these skills throughout the rest of the course. The dishes they will make will include carrot cakes, pizza and chicken stir fry. We will begin to look at functions of ingredients in dishes. |
Food Nutrition and Health The topics covered in this unit are major diet related health issues caused by a poor diet and lifestyle. The students also learn about the dietary needs for different stages of life. We discuss lifestyle choices people make with reference to theory diet and different dietary needs of people with specific medical conditions. We will look at the nutritional analysis of different foods using the food a fact of life website. This knowledge will help when preparing for their NEA as it links closely with nutritional needs of different groups of students. The students will revisit hazards, , rules, knife skills, weighing and measuring. They will prepare dishes that will revisit and build on previous skills and will be increasingly complex. The students will make dishes such as burgers, potato wedges, brownies, soup and biscuits. |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Food Science Students will look at why food is cooked and how we cook food using scientific concepts such as radiation, convection, and conduction. We will also look at the different methods of cooking such as dry frying. This will be linked to work on the changing properties of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and oils when they are cooked. The students will cook a variety of foods to demonstrate their ability to prepare increasingly challenging and higher level dishes. The students will make some bread and pastry products such as profiteroles, pasties rustic bread sticks with macaroni cheese and unleavened bread. |
Food Choice The topics covered this term will be related to influences on food choice. This will include a recap of the Eatwell guide, eat a rainbow, cultural, religious and moral food choices that people make. Regional British and international cuisines will be investigated as they are closely linked to food choices people make. We will also look at the marketing of products and how this can influence food choices. The students will complete practical work that will include a wide variety of ingredients. They will make vegetarian food and dishes from around the world such as curry, spring rolls, samosas and paella. |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Food Safety and Investigation The students will learn about high risk foods and the conditions that are great for bacteria to grow and spoil food. They will study how enzymes and mould can spoil food too. The correct temperatures to store food in fridges and freezers will be learnt alongside other storage methods. We will study how to avoid cross contamination and revisit safety and hygiene procedures when preparing food. There will be a study of what cause food poisoning and the main types of bacteria. We will then look at the microorganisms that can be used in a positive way to manufacture food such as yogurts and cheeses. In practical work students will undertake a food investigation task – this could be scones/cakes and chemical raising agents OR an investigation into eggs. This unit will support the students when they complete a food investigation next year set by the exam board. |
Food Provenance The final unit of year 10 is all about food provenance. The students will be studying how we grow, rear, or catch food. We will revisit the classification of food such as vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry, and fish. This relates to global food production and how climate change is having an impact on food production. We will look at food poverty. The area of primary and secondary food processing will be the last area of study for year 10. The practical work this term will focus on a ‘mock’ NEA. The students will be given a brief and be expected to work on an introduction to what they are going to cook justifying their choices, produce a time plan, cost their ingredients and evaluate their work suggesting improvements. We do this so the students understand what they need to do in the real NEA in year 11. |
All Year 10 subjects Next Year 10 Subject - Computer Science
Year 11
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
In this first unit we will recap the Eatwell guide and look at traffic light food labelling as this links to healthy eating. The students will learn about food fortification and modification. We will look at nutrients that are added to food and the reasons why. We will look how additives change the properties of food. This will be linked to previous work covered last year on food provenance. We will begin to analyse the design briefs that will be sent by the board for the food preparation NEA task. Food prepared this term will relate to both design briefs as the students will not have chosen which brief they will prepare food for. The students will continually analyse and review what they cook. We will identify what foods are of a high skill level that we can include in the planning of their NEA. They might cook foods such as lemon meringue pie, pavlova, swiss roll, shepherds pie, quiche, mini fruit pies, cheesecake, fish cakes and lasagne. |
In this term the students will complete a unit of work that looks in depth at the production of foods such as cheese, cereals, fish and eggs so they can apply knowledge learned in year 10 to answer GCSE questions with higher marks that include extended writing. We will also revisit and recap the nutritional requirement of different age groups and dietary needs. The students will apply this knowledge again to the longer extended writing questions. We will look in depth at GCSE questions of this type so the students are clear what will be required. There will be a written mock exam this term. Students will continue preparation for their NEA by preparing increasingly high level dishes as they develop their practical skills. They will also begin typing the accompanying paperwork for the NEA. They will type the design brief followed by an introduction and some research into the chosen brief. Foods they might cook are puff pastry, choux pastry, enriched bread. |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
In this term the students will revisit and revise the topics energy needs, changing properties of nutrients such as proteins in cooked food, food safety and food provenance. We will complete several GCSE question on these topics ensuring students are fully prepared for the exam. Students will continue preparation for their NEA by preparing increasingly high level dishes as they develop their practical skills. They will type up their research into 10 different dishes that could be suitable for the NEA – they will evaluate each one before coming to a decision about what they are going to cook. They will then begin a nutritional analysis and costing write up to be included in their NEA. |
In this term the student will revisit nutrition and health, food choices and food safety completing a variety of GCSE questions on these topics. The students will also continue to work on the paperwork for the NEA. They will ensure they have completed the introduction, research, time plan, and costings for the dishes they are going to cook for their final NEA. They will practice cooking the two dishes they will need to prepare and evaluate them making a note in their paperwork of anything that needs to be improved. |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Students in this term will revise all the topics covered using a variety of methods that include SENECA, GCSE questions and practical work that demonstrates changing properties of nutrients. In this term students will complete the NEA Food Preparation written work that relates to the previous terms practical assessment. They will need to complete the sensory analysis evaluation and write out any improvements they would make in the future. |
In this term we will revise all the topics covered already by completing GCSE questions, using SENECA and food a fact of life website. We will do practical work to embed learning of microorganisms, enzymic browning and the changing properties of nutrients. We will complete questions on adapting meals for different stages of life, health related diets and moral food choices. |