This tremendous achievement could not have happened if it wasn't for the hard-work and commitment from everyone in the Charter community: students, staff, parents and partner agencies have all played their part in our rapid school improvement journey.
Ofsted inspectors said that the school’s big culture shift since the last inspection means that students are ‘proud to attend’ Ark Charter, and the atmosphere is ‘happy, kind, respectful and calm’. They praised students’ understanding of difference and inclusion, saying that the school is ‘open and accepting’. Because of this, the school ‘feels more a part of its local community than it has done in the past’.
The report also highlighted the impact of the Jonathan Centre on students' mental health and well-being. It’s a unique and important facility that also benefits the wider community.
All the staff are delighted with the outcome and are dedicated to push on with our drive for excellence as we continue our improvement journey.
To read the full report, it can be found on our website here: