Outdoor Learning

Great start to our new Outdoor Learning programme
Outdoor Learning

It has been a fantastic start to the new Outdoor Learning programme at Charter. The first cohort are nearly at the end of their sessions and are very sad that it is coming to an end next week. They have thrived in the woods learning skills including tracking, navigation, problem solving, fire lighting and using a knife to make a mallet. We look forward to welcoming 60 new students after the half term break. If you have not yet returned the medical forms brought home by your child, please do so ASAP. DofE Taster expedition walk on Harting Down.

Nearly 30 students enjoyed a 5km walk on Harting Down to experience what it might be like to walk in terrain associated with the DofE Bronze Expedition. All the students showed great determination to complete the walk including the ‘beast of the east’ which is a steep climb to the highest point on the walk. I hope that now they have had this opportunity they will decide to sign up for the award. It is a fantastic opportunity and looks great on a CV!