Head of Department

Mr D O'Hana-James
Mr L. Murray
Year 11
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
This half term students will be focusing on Module 6 - sources of enterprise funding and business finance. Including;
The half-term students will complete the course content, exploring Unit 7 - the impact of the external environment on business and enterprise and unit 8 – Business and Enterprise planning. |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
This half term students will be writing their NEA. This will include four tasks created in response to a set brief. The brief and task are contextualised around the Business and Enterprise vocational settings. The tasks will also call on knowledge from across the qualification and Assessment Objectives. Tasks include:
Students will be completing their NEA and starting to revise the key exam content. |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Students will be revising all exam content in preparation for their GCSE exam. Content area including:
Final exam Students will follow a revision timetable focused on all 8 content areas. |