Head of Department

Ms M Longmore-Spillett
Year 10
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Collections Unit Functions of the DSLR cameras and photoshoots with use of specialist equipment. Contextual studies and research. Use of PowerPoint to present and edit unit of work. The ‘Collections’ unit is mini project designed to introduce students to the basics of Photography. This includes learning the functions of the camera, the equipment and use of PowerPoint to present and edit photographs. Students research the photographer Emily Blincoe as well as adopt her style and technique in their own colourful photoshoots. Contextual studies are an essential part of the course as they teach pupils how to form opinions about other artists work as well as their own. |
Collections Unit 2 Functions of the DSLR cameras and photoshoots with use of specialist equipment. Contextual studies and research. Use of PowerPoint to present and edit unit of work. In autumn 2 Year 10 students develop their ‘Collections’ unit by using the techniques of Stephen Purnell and Albert RengerPatzsch to create black and white photoshoots. Students develop a specialist vocabulary when commenting on the photographers and their own aims, views, ideas, and opinions. Students present their work on PowerPoint and print slides at the end of the unit for teacher assessment. Teachers us e informal comments against the marking criteria for the mini project as it is not intended to be used for students GCSE coursework. |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Portrait Unit Functions of the DSLR cameras and photoshoots with use of specialist equipment. Contextual studies on Peter Zewelski and Rankin. In the spring term students begin their first of two GCSE coursework units which makes up 60% of the GCSE. Students study a ‘Portraits’ project that builds on the skills learned in the autumn term regarding lighting, composition and viewpoint. Students use contextual studies to adopt photographers’ techniques. Students study Peter Zelewski and Rankin to create their own responses as well as developing camera skills and editing techniques. |
Portrait Unit Use of Materials: Create photographs and prints based on photographer Barbara Kruger, Linder Sterling and Rocio Montoya. In spring 2 students continue to study & use the techniques of photographers to refine ideas and begin developing their own photoshoots. They will use their contextual understanding and analysis to inform and develop imaginative and creative ideas. Students create personal responses based on Kruger, Sterling and Montoya by using collage and painting techniques to create a series of manipulated photographs. Students will continue analyse the work of others as well as their own using a specialist vocabulary. |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Portrait Unit Use of Materials: Create designs and prints based on photographer Ana Strumpf, and Nina Chakrabarti. Create final design ideas based on artist studies / research. In summer 1 Year 10 students’ study & use the techniques of photographers Strumpf and Chakrabarti to refine ideas and begin developing their own photoshoots. They will use their contextual understanding and analysis to inform and develop imaginative and creative ideas. Students create personal responses based on the two photographers by using pen and ink to create a series of photos that have been drawn on to. Students us e writing frames to discuss the content, context, purpose and meaning of their photos, documenting their journey and progress. |
Portrait Unit Final Piece: Create a final piece that relates to research, ideas, photographers, media. In the second half of the summer term students choose one of their photographers and photoshoots to produce a final response. Students make independent decisions about scale, material and technique and work on their personal response for the last six weeks of the year. At the end of the year students have addressed all four assessment objectives. Students’ art teachers mark work using the AQA GCSE assessment criteria grid to give students a realistic GCSE Level. |
Year 11
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Our City Unit Functions of the DSLR cameras and photoshoots with use of specialist equipment. Contextual studies. In autumn 1 students start a second unit on ‘Our City’. Students refine and develop skills from the previous year on how to take professional photoshoots and edit photographs using Photoshop. Students study photographers that spark ideas and allow students to build on skills in lighting, depth of field, composition, light drawing, and shutter speed. |
Our City Unit Develop personal ideas and photoshoots based on contextual studies. Create final piece that relates to research and prep. In autumn 2 Year 11 students complete their second unit on ‘Our City.’ Students will use their contextual understanding and analysis to inform and develop imaginative and creative ideas. Students create ideas based on one or two of their photographers. Students make independent decisions about scale, material and technique when working on a final personal response. |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Exam – Preparatory Studies. Preparatory Studies. Artist studies and research based on chosen theme from the exam paper. Develop personal ideas, photographs, and edits based on contextual studies and subject matter relating to the exam theme. |
Exam – Preparatory Studies. Preparatory Studies. Experiment with editing techniques and other media and techniques based on the theme and contextual studies. Develop photoshoots and photography to create ideas for a final piece based on the exam theme. |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Exam – Preparatory Studies and ten-hour exam. Final Piece completed in ten-hour exam. Complete a personal final piece based on the contextual studies, research and designs produced in the preparatory studies period. |
End. |