Director of Sport and Enrichment

Mr D Alvarez
Key Stage 3
Different sporting activities are taught throughout Key Stage 3 over a half term period, experiencing a minimum of 7 activities across the year. Within these activities a wide variety of skills are taught and they will become more competent, confident and expert in their techniques, and apply them across different sports and physical activities.
Year 7-9
Team and Individual Games – by using a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in direct competition through team and individual games [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, handball and paddle tennis] Pupils will initially explore isolated skills necessary for all positions. Throughout the unit, pupils will be expected to implement these substantive skills into increasingly more challenging game scenarios to build their disciplinary knowledge into a full game situation.
Competitive and Artistic Sports – along with the activities above students will have the opportunity to develop their technique and improve their performance in other competitive sports or physical activities [for example, athletics, dance, swimming and gymnastics]. In swimming students will develop their water confidence using a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke] and perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
Fitness – students will develop an understanding of how their bodies work in a practical setting. They will be introduced to several components of fitness and tested on their current performance levels. Pupils will develop an understanding of the positive impact fitness has on both short and long term wellbeing physical, mental and social.
OAA - in this unit they will be able to take part in take part in outdoor and adventurous activities in a range of environments which present intellectual and physical challenges and which encourage pupils to work in a team, building on trust and developing skills to solve problems, either individually or as a group.
Opportunities to further develop their motor competencies, rules, strategies and tactics and understanding of the sport, come from a vast variety of extra-curricular enrichment activities too.
- Year 7 – Enjoy and Explore PE - Develop an understanding of a range of sports/activities including positioning, basic rules and skill progression/technique.
- Year 8 – Respect & Responsibility in PE – Progress with their understanding and continue to develop more advanced skills including rules, strategies and tactics.
- Year 9 – Achieve & Analysis in PE – Analyse their performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.
Key Stage 4 – Core
In Key Stage 4 students will build upon the intent of the Key Stage 3 curriculum and develop knowledge even further while encouraging all students to lead a healthy active lifestyle.
Year 10 - Striving & thriving in PE – Students will continue to develop from KS3 with the opportunity to choose their activities on a rotation basis. This will allow them to become more selective and involved in their development. This is an opportunity for students to remain active and thrive in activities.
Year 11 - Creating healthy & active futures.- As in year 10, students will choose their activities with the intention to create lifelong learners and establish healthy and active individuals.
Key Stage 4 – OCR Courses
In Key Stage 4 students will build upon the intent of the Key Stage 3 curriculum and develop knowledge even further through a range of topics in a theoretical context, which will be new to the students. Providing extra opportunities for students to develop their motor competencies and then be assessed on these at examination level. Students undertaking this course will also have to be very reflective of their physical performances and session teaching to understand their strengths and areas for improvement. The conclusion of the course is a written examination to demonstrate understanding of the topics covered and how sport can be accessed, promoted and the legacy that it can leave.
Upon choosing to continue their studies in PE, students will have a further 2x 1hour lessons of PE (2x theory and 1x practical).
Theory 60% |
Practical 30% |
AEP 10% |
2 x 1hour exams consisting of a mixture of objective response and multiple-choice questions, short answers and extended response items. |
Assessed in 3x activities
This AEP will consist of a written task that must be produced under controlled conditions. |
The combination of all of the above will result in their final grade (1-9) |
Year 1
Students will take part in 6 sporting activities (1hr per week) in their practical lesson where they will be assessed in each activity. Students will also be introduced to the first theoretical topic Physical factors affecting performance. This component will assess:
- 1.1 Applied anatomy and physiology
- 1.2 Physical training.
The knowledge from the topic taught in year 1 will then be used to complete their Analysis and Evaluation of Performance (AEP) which is the coursework aspect of the course and equates to 10% of their final grade.
A mock exam will take place towards the end of year 1.
Year 2
Students will begin to become more selective of their sports and will be assessed in 3 overall in January. Theory lessons will be working towards completing the second topic Socio-cultural issues and sports psychology. This component will assess:
- 2.1 Socio-cultural influences
- 2.2 Sports psychology
- 2.3 Health, fitness and well-being.
A full mock exam (x2) will take place in December.
Assessment of 3x practical sports in February and will be externally moderated in April/May.
You will benefit greatly from attending extra-curricular clubs and school matches. You will learn to understand the discipline needed to practice and train effectively. The focus of the course lies within the theoretical and practical application of the subject knowledge. A passion and interest in sport and fitness is essential.
Homework will be set weekly via the online platform Everlearner.
OCR Cambridge National Sports Science
Coursework (mandatory) Applying principles of training (60 marks) |
Coursework (optional) Sports Nutrition (60 marks) |
Coursework (optional) The body’s response to physical activity (60 marks) |
Exam Reducing the risk of sports injuries (1 hour written paper – 60 marks) (Oct – Jan, Jan exam, June resit) |
Year 1 – Students will complete coursework in 2 topics; Applying Principles of Training (mandatory) as well as one of the 2 optional units Sports Nutrition or The Body’s Response to Physical Activity. Students will continue to take part in 1x practical lesson a week to support their theory work but all work completed will be Coursework.
Year 2 – Students will complete the final topic Reducing the risk of sports injuries. This is the exam unit and can be sat either in January and/or May but all coursework must be submitted before then.
All coursework will be marked by their classroom teacher and internally moderated before being externally moderated. Students can only complete work in class.
The combined total of marks from the 2 units of Coursework alongside the marks gained in the exam unit will result in the grade (marks required below).