Head of Department

Ms C Cotton
Year 7
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Healthy Lifestyles 1. Healthy Eating 1 – What are the food groups? 2. Healthy Eating 2 – created balanced meals. 3. Healthy Lifestyles – Benefits of exercise 4. Rest and Relaxation – Ensuring we have a work/play balance. How important is sleep? 5. Quiz |
Pressure and Influences 1. Peer Pressure – What is it and how can we combat it? 2. Influence – What and who can influence us? 3. Radicalisation – What is radicalisation and how can we spot the signs? Prevention of radicalisation. 4. Right Wing Extremism – A case study of Radicalisation. 5. County Lines – What is County Lines and how can we spot the signs/protect ourselves and others. 6. Social influence & Quiz |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
RSE 1. Changing Bodies during puberty and how to manage these changes. 2. Changing Emotions during puberty and how to manage these changes. 3. Self-Image and confidence including what can impact this. 4. Loving Relationships including different types of relationships e.g., familial, friendship, romantic and LGBT+ 5. Sexual Relationships and consent. 6. Human Reproduction and conception. 7. Quiz to check for understanding. |
Relationships 1. Healthy Relationships – what qualities are needed for a healthy relationship? 2. Healthy Relationships 2 – What makes an unhealthy relationship? (Including abuse and exploitation) 3. Kindness 4. Respect 5. Consensual Relationships (including harassment and forced marriage) 6. Scenarios – healthy or unhealthy? These scenarios link to issues learned about throughout this topic and revolve around consent, abuse and harassment. 7. Quiz |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Mental Health 1. What is mental Health? 2. Stress – What is a healthy amount of pressure? How can we manage this anxiety? 3. Feeling Down – What is depression? What is the difference between sadness and depression? 4. Supporting Yourself 5. Supporting Others 6. Quiz |
Gamechangers 1. General election 2024 2.Frida Kahlo and Alan Turing 3. Doreen Lawrence and Stephen Hawking 4. Serena Williams and Malalah Yousafzai 5. Gamechangers research project 6. Gamechangers presentation 7. Creative culture project 8. Creative culture project part 2 |
Year 8
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Careers 1. Intro to careers. Why do people go to work? Career values. 2. Investigating work roles (huge variety) and busting myths 3. Investigating Skills and Qualities. How do these relate to the world of work. 4. Early aspirations and dream jobs 5. World of Work – What does this involve? 6. Quiz |
Influences and pressure 1. Peer Pressure – What is peer pressure and how can it impact our lives? 2. Peer Pressure Scenarios – How can we combat peer pressure? 3. Knife Free – The link between peer pressure and carrying a knife. Why might people carry knives and what risks can this create? 4. Drugs and Alcohol – The link between peer pressure and drugs/alcohol. How County Lines and peer pressure/social influence are linked. 5. Radicalisation - What is radicalisation and how can we spot the signs? Prevention of radicalisation. 6. Quiz |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Relationships 1. Healthy Relationships – what makes a healthy relationship? 2. Healthy Relationships 2 – domestic abuse and honour-based violence. 3. Kindness 4. Respect 5. Consensual Relationships (including sexual harassment and coercion) 6. Stereotypes and prejudice (based around gender, race, and religious stereotypes) This lesson builds upon content covered in the RE curriculum around serotypes this half term. 7. Quiz |
RSE 1. Loving Relationships – what makes a healthy, loving relationship? How might people express this love? (Romantic and non-romantic) 2. Intimacy – including Romanic, non-romantic and sexual intimacy. 3. Attraction – Sexuality and attraction to others. Attraction vs harassment 4. Sexual Relationships and consent. Including the links between the age of consent, sexual relationships, and peer pressure. 5. Consent Scenarios – does this person have consent or not? 6. Quiz |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Media Influence 1. What is the Media? 2. Self-Image – How does media impact our self-image and confidence? Why can social media be damaging to our mental well-being and self-esteem? 3. Hateful comments – Being kind online and reporting inappropriate media use. 4. Censorship – What is censorship? Why is this both a positive ad a negative thing? 5. Reliable Media – How do we find reliable sources of media? What is factchecking? Should you believe everything you see online and in the news? 6. Quiz |
Gamechangers 1. General election 2024 2. Frida Kahlo and Alan Turing 3. Doreen Lawrence and Stephen Hawking 4. Serena Williams and Malala Yousafzai 5. Game changers research project 6. Gamechangers presentation 7. Creative culture project 8. Creative culture project Part 2 |
Year 9
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Healthy Lifestyles: 1. Healthy Eating 1 – What are the benefits of each food group? 2. Healthy Eating 2 – How to create balanced, nutritious meals (including vegan/vegetarian alternatives) 3. Healthy Lifestyle – The importance of exercise and the outdoors. 4. Rest and relaxation – The importance of sleep and how sleep aids our learning. 5. Personal Hygiene – How do we keep clean? (Including dental hygiene) 6. Quiz |
Social Influence and County Lines 1. Attitudes to Drugs – what are some common misconceptions around drug use in young people? 2. County Lines – What is County Lines and what are the risks/warning signs of someone getting involved? Where can you go for support? 3. Drugs, the Law and Risk – Legalities around possession and supply of drugs. 4. Risk – legal consequences and personal consequences e.g., addiction 5. Managing Influences – How to manage peer pressure and social influences when faced with drug use. 6. Prescription drugs – What are the benefits and potential risks of these? 7. Quiz |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Careers - Preparing for GCSE Options 1. Preparing for GCSE Options: what do you know about GCSEs 2. Working out what subjects to study 3. Qualifications Framework and college entry requirements 4. Career Stereotypes 5. Quiz |
Living in the Wider World 1. Communication – economy of language and respectful language. 2. Time Management – How do we manage our time efficiently? 3. Budgeting 1 – Activity revolving around budgeting for the necessities. Students are given a set amount and must make decisions of what to do wisely. 4. Budgeting 2 (continuation of previous week focusing on luxuries) 5. Healthy Meals – a Recap of food groups and linking into budgeting. How can we create healthy meals on a budget? 6. Quiz |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Summer 1: RSE 1. Types of Intimacy – What does it mean to be intimate with others? Are Sex and Intimacy the same thing? 2. Consent and scenarios. Do these people have consent? What would the law say? 3.Contraception – varieties and purposes. How effective are these types of contraception? 4. Sexual Health – What are STIs? Combatting misconceptions around STIs. Support signposted at the end of the lesson. 5. Roles of Families – what is a family? Types of family and responsibility of parents. 6. Quiz |
Gamechangers 1. General Election 2024 2. Frida Kahlo and Alan Turing 3. Doreen Lawrence and Stephen Hawking 4. Serena Williams and Malala Yousafzai 5. Game changers research project 6. Gamechangers presentation 7. Creative culture project 8. Creative culture project Part 2 |
Year 10
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Citizenship 1. Parliamentary Democracy – What is a democracy and how does this work in practice? 2. Different electoral systems – How does the general election work in the UK? 3. Other forms of government (democratic and non-democratic) 4. UK’s role within Europe post Brexit 5. Legal system in the UK – what is the law and how are crimes addressed? 6. Citizenship and community – How can I contribute to my local community? 7. Income and expenditure – How can I manage my finances? |
Social Influence and County Lines 1. Attitudes to Drugs – what are some common misconceptions around drug use in young people? 2. County Lines – What is County Lines and what are the risks/warning signs of someone getting involved? Where can you go for support? 3. Drugs, the Law and Risk – Legalities around possession and supply of drugs. 4. Risk – legal consequences and personal consequences e.g., addiction 5. Managing Influences – How to manage peer pressure and social influences when faced with drug use. 6. Prescription drugs – What are the benefits and potential risks of these? 7. Quiz |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
RSE 1. Healthy Relationships – What makes a healthy relationship? 2. Unhealthy Relationships including domestic abuse, grooming and exploitation. 3. Contraception and STIs – Which types of contraception are effective at preventing STIs? Evaluating how reliable and fit for purpose each type of contraception is (e.g., preventing pregnancy vs preventing STIs) 4. Sexual Harassment and Consent (including FGM) Treatment and support signposted at the end of the lesson. 5. Fertility and Infertility – What alternatives are available for couples who cannot conceive naturally? What impact can this have on the couple? 6. Quiz |
Financial Skills 1. influences on students’ financial choice 2. How to budget effectively 3. Fraud and how to protect yourself 4. Models of employment contracts and self-employment 5. Financing University – pros and cons and busting myths 6. Quiz |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Online Safety 1. What is Social Media? How can this impact our self-esteem and confidence? 2. Cyber-bullying and its consequences. 3. Sending or Receiving explicit images – What does the law say? Link to sexual harassment and consent. 4. Self-Image. What contributes to our self-image? Physical and mental factors to out self-image. 5. Mental Health support and guidance beyond school. 6. Radicalisation – How can online influences impact our attitudes, prejudices and actions? |
Gamechangers 1. General Election 2024 2. Frida Kahlo and Alan Turing 3. Doreen Lawrence and Stephen Hawking 4. Serena Williams and Malala Yousafzai. 5. Game changers research project 6. Gamechangers presentation 7. Creative culture project 8. Creative culture project Part 2 |
All Year 10 subjects Next Year 10 Subject - Business Studies
Year 11
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Finance Skills 1. What is the labour market? 2. Understanding payslips 3. Budgeting 4. Being a responsible Consumer 5.Quiz |
Social Influence and County Lines 1. Attitudes to Drugs – what are some common misconceptions around drug use in young people? 2. County Lines – What is County Lines and what are the risks/warning signs of someone getting involved? Where can you go for support? 3. Drugs, the Law and Risk – Legalities around possession and supply of drugs. 4. Risk – legal consequences and personal consequences e.g., addiction 5. Managing Influences – How to manage peer pressure and social influences when faced with drug use. 6. Prescription drugs – What are the benefits and potential risks of these? 7. Quiz |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Citizenship 1. Parliamentary Democracy – What is a democracy and how does this work in practice? 2. Different electoral systems – How does the general election work in the UK? 3. Other forms of government (democratic and non-democratic) 4. UK’s role within Europe post Brexit 5. Legal system in the UK – what is the law and how are crimes addressed? 6. Citizenship and community – How can I contribute to my local community? 7. Income and expenditure – How can I manage my finances? |
RSE 1. Healthy Relationships – What makes a healthy relationship? 2. Unhealthy Relationships including domestic abuse, grooming and exploitation. 3. Contraception and STIs – Which types of contraception are effective at preventing STIs? Evaluating how reliable and fit for purpose each type of contraception is (e.g., preventing pregnancy vs preventing STIs) 4. Sexual Harassment and Consent (including FGM) Treatment and support signposted at the end of the lesson. 5. Fertility and Infertility – What alternatives are available for couples who cannot conceive naturally? What impact can this have on the couple? 6. Quiz |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Online Safety 1. What is Social Media? How can this impact our self-esteem and confidence? 2. Cyber-bullying and its consequences. 3. Sending or Receiving explicit images – What does the law say? Link to sexual harassment and consent. 4. Self-Image. What contributes to our self-image? Physical and mental factors to out self-image. 5. Mental Health support and guidance beyond school. 6. Radicalisation – How can online influences impact our attitudes, prejudices and actions? |
Topic: N/A Exam Time Tutor time to be spent on Revision/supporting student wellbeing. |
All Year 11 subjects Next Year 11 Subject - Business Studies