2023 Reflection
As 2023 draws to a close, we have been reflecting on all the positives from the Autumn term, and there have been many….
- Overall attendance has improved from where we were this time last year.
- Behaviour is much improved, the academy is a calmer learning environment for all, proven by…
- Our Year 11 Mock results put us as the third most improved school within the Ark Network!!!
- Year 11 Parent’s Evening saw over 75% of the year group and their families attend, showing the shared commitment we have for the outcomes of our students.
- We have celebrated student achievements in multiple ways, with celebration assemblies in St. Luke’s Church, #Proud events and 5 Silent Discos for the top attenders in each year group.
- We have developed a huge extra-curricular offer, with sports clubs, basketball mentoring, debate club, STEM club, taekwondo, art and crafts club, choir, homework clubs, Pompey in the Community and much, much more!
- We held a hugely popular Year 5/6 Open Evening, where over 200 people from the local community visited our Academy.
- We held a whole-school Remembrance Day service in the school playground, with all students proudly showing their respect.
- We have worked hard to improve community relationships, introducing our ‘Charter Challenges’; tutor competitions where students collected food for the St.Luke’s Church food pantry and filled stockings for children in QA hospital’s paediatric dept over the Christmas period! We have also held a coffee morning for parents of students with EHCPs, invited in residents from a local care home to receive Christmas cards written from the students, and we’re now working on a mentoring programme with Portsmouth Grammar school!
- The recruitment of the Student Academy Leadership Team, who have subsequently selected their School Council! They are paving the way for all by being amazing role models and getting stuck in with responsibilities!
- The Performing Arts department out did themselves with their fantastic performance of Matilda.
- Christmas celebrations took over the final week of term, with a free Christmas dinner for every pupil and staff member, our annual Carol service, Christmas Jumper day, Pantomime trip and candy canes for all students as they left for the holidays.
How have we managed to cram so much in to just 4 months!? Now to do it all again and more in the Spring Term ….