Head of Department

Ms C Cotton
Year 7
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Six World Religions Students will have a two lesson introduction to each of the 6 main world religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism). In this they will look at key beliefs and practices which underpin the faith. This is because the level of RE students have engaged with at primary school varies and all students should have a general awareness of the diversity of religion before beginning in depth studies. |
Religion and the Media Students will study how religion is presented across different forms of media and how this can impact the religion and its followers. Students will evaluate each week the positives and negatives of religion being shown in the media, and whether religion still belongs in the media in modern day. |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Judaism This is the beginning of our in-depth study of each religion. Students will have two lessons a week on Judaism, focusing on key beliefs about God and important practices within the faith. As Judaism is the first of the Abrahamic faiths, it is taught first to facilitate learning and comparisons to Christianity and Islam. |
Christianity Christianity is the second Abrahamic faith we study, as it follows on from Jewish beliefs. Students are taught the key differences between Christianity and Judaism and what caused the split between faiths. Students cover key Christian beliefs and practices over the course of the half term. |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Islam Islam is the final Abrahamic faith taught. Connections are made between Islamic prophets and important figures we have already studied during our Christianity and Islam units (e.g. Moses and Jesus). Students will study the Five Pillars if Islam and key Islamic beliefs about Allah. |
Hinduism In this unit students study Hinduism. Key Hindu beliefs around the Caste System, Reincarnation and practices such as Puja are covered. This is the first religion students study in depth that believe in karmic reincarnation. |
All Year 7 subjects Next Year 7 Subject - Physical Education
Year 8
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Hinduism In this unit students study Hinduism. Key Hindu beliefs around the Caste System, Reincarnation and practices such as Puja are covered. This is the first religion students study in depth that believe in karmic reincarnation. |
Sikhism Students will study the origins of Sikhism with Guru Nanak and move onto the formation of the Khalsa. Students investigate the similarities between Hinduism and Islam as these two religions form the foundations of Sikh belief. |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Buddhism Buddhism is the final world religion students study. This is the first religion students study which does not have a God and students will look into the complexities which surround this. They will cover key Buddhist beliefs and teachings around Nirvana, Enlightenment and the lives of Buddhist monks. |
Religion and Prejudice Students now begin thematic studies in RE as they have a foundational knowledge of each world religion. Students look at what prejudice is and the forms that this can take within the world. Emphasis is placed upon Racism, Islamophobia, Sexism and Homophobia in this unit. |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Religion and poverty Students will look at the causes of poverty and how the six world religions respond to poverty in the world, both locally and internationally. |
Religion and the Environment Students will look at the environmental issues faced today from climate change to plastic usage. Religious organisations that try to combat these environmental issues are studied, as well as religious groups that feel a dee, spiritual connection to the earth. |
All Year 8 subjects Next Year 8 Subject - Physical Education
Year 9
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
God and Suffering In this unit students study the Nature of God and how this can cause dilemmas for theists when faced with moral and natural suffering in the world. Students look at how religious believers justify suffering in a world created by a loving and powerful God. |
The Holocaust Following on from the previous topic, students will have an in-depth study of the suffering that occurred during the Holocaust. Students will identify which groups were targeted by the Nazis, how they were persecuted, and the impact this had. |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Religion, Authority and the State Students will look at human rights and equality this half term. They will evaluate the different aims of punishment and capital punishment in the name of justice, duty and our rights as human beings. |
Is it Fair? Students will continue studying the concept of justice and equality, looking at wealth and poverty, media, religious dress and various forms of discrimination. |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Ethics Students will study numerous ethical dilemmas which are faced in the modern world, from organ donation to animal testing. Students will look at the opinions of religious believers and secular views on these matters – using knowledge gathered from their KS3 topics. |
Religion in the Media Students will finish their Ks3 studies by looking at how religion is presented in the world around them. How reliable are various forms of media, and how can views of religion be distorted through this lens? This topic enables students to reflect on their learning across KS3 to evaluate the media that millions of people see each day. |
All Year 9 subjects Next Year 9 Subject - Physical Education
Year 10
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Christian Beliefs This is the beginning of the AQA GCSE. Students will look at key Christian beliefs and where these come from. Christianity is the dominant faith globally and within the UK so it is essential students have an understanding of the faith that drives so many people’s lives and actions. |
Christian Practices In this unit students study Christian practices and where these practices originate from. Students will use their knowledge from the Christian beliefs unit to understand and explain why these practices take place. |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Christian Practices / Islamic Beliefs Once students finish the final lessons on Christian practices, they move onto Islamic beliefs. Islam is the second largest faith globally and within the UK so it is essential students have an understanding of the faith that drives so many people’s lives and actions. As Islam is often misrepresented in the media, it is vital that student misconception s are addressed, particularly around Jihad. |
Islamic Beliefs Students continue the study intoIslamic beliefs this half term. Islam is the second largest faith globally and within the UK so it is essential students have an understanding of the faith that drives so many people’s lives and actions. As Islam is often misrepresented in the media, it is vital that student misconceptions are addressed, particularly around Jihad. |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Islamic practices In this unit students study Islamic practices and the differences between Sunni and Shia approaches to this. Students will use their knowledge from the Islamic beliefs unit to understand and explain why these practices take place and why Sunni and Shia Muslims practice slight differently. |
Theme A: Relationships This is the first of the four themes studied at GCSE. Students will learn about the importance of relationships, families as well as the legalities of different types of relationships/commitments . Using knowledge from the Christianity and Islam units, students will explain religious perspectives on issues revolving around relationships and family life. |
All Year 10 subjects Next Year 10 Subject - Physical Education
Year 11
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Theme A: Relationships This is the first of the four themes studied at GCSE. Students will learn about the importance of relationships, families as well as the legalities of different types of relationships/commitments . Using knowledge from the Christianity and Islam units, students will explain religious perspectives on issues revolving around relationships and family life. |
Theme E: Crime and punishment In this theme students will study causes of crime, the process of convicted someone of a crime and attitudes towards crime. It is key in this unit that students can explain aims of punishment and the Christian and Islamic attitudes towards this. |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Theme F: Religion and Human Rights This theme revolves around our basic rights as human beings and the breaches of this seen across the world in modern and historical contexts. Students will look closely at religious, racial and gender prejudice and discrimination and how Christians and Muslims respond to this. |
Theme B: Religion and Life This theme looks at the world around us, and how religious people navigate it. Students study complex issues such as abortion, euthanasia and environmental responsibilities , and why these are controversial topics for Christians, Muslims and non-religious people. |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Revision This topic is to consolidate our learning before the final exams. We will address gaps in knowledge and briefly revisit key areas of Christianity and Islam to best prepare. |
All Year 11 subjects Next Year 11 Subject - Physical Education